Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Brainstorming part two (idea three)

So this one I see as a very lighthearted sci-fi ride. Ride vehicles would be largish tilt and shake capable cars, both for flow-through and to accomodate Gurnee, the animatronic host at the front of the vehicle.

Gorplenauts: Gurnee to the Rescue- The guests enter a heavily themed spaceport queue area where they pass by monitors displaying
galactic news about the visiting princess Gee-la, a recruiting ad for the elite Gorplenaut space corps, and an interview with a rather
slimy high minister of the galactic gevernment. Meanwhile, to the other side of the switchback, a small fuzzy green janitor named
Gurnee welcomes them and comments on the footage- How pretty the princess is, how he wishes he was big and brave enough to be a
Gorplenaut, and how the High Minister gives him the heebeejeebees. From the initial switchback, the guests are brought into a holding
room in groups where they get a ride safety presentation by a representative of the starline. after the safety spiel, the rep
receives an urgent message in her headset- The princess has been kidnapped by the high minister and a fleet of evil baddies. The guests
are to be evacuated immediately and are to proceed to their shuttles. They leave the holding room and proceed past Gurnee again, who says not to worry, he thinks he has a plan.

The guests are then loaded into their shuttles (themed ride vehicles with shake and tilt,) and taxi into the launch tube. After a countdown and launch through a speed tunnel effect, they see a raging space battle between the Gorplenaut and enemy fleets in the distance. Suddenly a hatch at the front of the shuttle opens and Gurnee rises up at the shuttle's controls. He has a crazy idea that a shuttle can slip past the bad guys to the minister's ship and rescue the princess. he then takes the guests weaving and dodging through the battle, approaching and flying into the superstructure of the minister's command ship. Once inside he pulls out a rather dinky ray gun and uses it to shoot a few objects that look important, the last of which opens a pair of blast doors that lead into the ships command deck. The Minister is there, raging at Gurnee and the guests for interrupting his taunting of the princess. Gurnee zaps a few ducts near the minister's feet to create a screen of fog and the princess frees to an escape pod, thanking her heroes for her rescue. Gurnee spots a large glowing red button marked "ship self-destruct sequence" and hits it with a zap before turning the shuttle towards an exit and fleeing. The guests ride at speed through the corridors of the ship until they get to the launch bay and escape back into space before the command ship can explode behind them. Gorplenaut command orders them back to the spaceport for debriefing, and they return to the unload area, getting a last thank you message from the princess as they dock. The guests unload and, as they exit they pass a monitor showing Gurnee being decorated for bravery by the princess.

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